kimerz7 Member


  • I'm Kim. I joined Metabolic Research Center which follows a ketosis based diet. I joined this group to get ideas and support on cutting down on my carbs. I'm following the center's plan more than I am counting carbs but I'm logging on MFP and paying attention to what works.
  • It really is a miserable drug. I've also just finished a round of it two days ago. I started at 40 mg tapered off over 8 weeks. Unfortunately, I also did an 8 week cycle about 3 weeks before the second one started. My symptoms (Crohn's disease) start back up again as soon as I stop but prednisone is so bad for you! I…
  • I really like the Deep Chocolate Vitatops. They've got a good amount of fiber so they're filling! I don't have any of those in the house right now and I've had the chocolate cravings all weekend so it's been cocoa pebbles for me. Not the healthiest but it worked for the craving!
  • Good job! I just finished Day 27 and in my opinion, Level 3 is WAY better than level 2! Still some plank work but I like it MUCH better.
  • I've been taking Sundays as a rest day each week. I've heard of people doing it 30 days straight and others taking rest days. I think you'll see great results either way because you already have other cardio worked into your schedule.
  • I'm on day 13 of the 30 Day Shred. I haven't seen a huge loss in weight or pounds yet but I'm feeling stronger and it's helping me workout more consistently.
  • Also finished Day 5 today!
  • I've been logging it as circuit training, 20 minutes. That's my best guess without a heart rate monitor.
  • Day 2 seemed better. I know what to expect now. I seem to have the most trouble on the first circuit (mostly the cardio part).
  • Did L1D1 today. This is my first time ever doing the workouts so interested to see how it goes!
    in Level 1 Comment by kimerz7 April 2013
  • I'm in! It'll be my first time with the DVDs but I'm excited!
  • Just wanted you to know I've been on Humira since 2008 and done very well with it. I was flare free from summer 2008 until Fall 2011 (I think it's pretty good!). I flared up in late 2011 and we couldn't get it under control until a hospital stay in April 2012. Humira won't solve all your problems but hopefully it will work…
  • Great job! You're hard work has definitely paid off! I've got that weird "ack, I look pregnant" tummy going on as well so you've given me hope for this year! Thanks!
  • Hi, ladies! I'm a Kappa Delta alum from Drury University in Springfield, MO. I'm current president of our local Alumnae Chapter and a chapter advisor. Nice to "meet" all of you and best of luck on your healthy habits!