eve70 Member


  • I keep losing my posts, for some reason. Yesterday was more 2 meals with a snack inbetween: fish pho for dinner with cinnamon, cloves, ginger, garlic, fish broth, miso, lots of fresh herbs and cashew nuts.
  • @madwells1 your food sounds delicious! I had quite a grazing day, yesterday too, as it started with a cafe meeting (I resisted the biscuits and brownies on offer) just had an americano, and lots of jobs/chores like bank etc. I later had a protein pot (egg and spinach), coconut bite (low sugar dark choc and coconut), once…
  • I was on the edge of having candida recently, but have noticed that eating much more primal has knocked that on the head! I quite like using the food notes to remind myself if something makes me feel a bit bloated etc.
  • @primalpam I've lost some of my post. I'm female, 47, long-term partner, 2 kids, been primal about 6yrs.
  • @primalpam hi. I've been logging on for 500+ days, but sometimes with more purpose than others. I'm trying to get back to eating properly primal and not slipping up so often
  • PaleOMG Happy, Healthy and Hot Mark's Daily Apple Nom Nom Paleo, delicious too, I agree
  • @MyEvolvingJourney I think I slip back into eating more non-paleo/primal things, if I'm not careful. I don't want to beat myself up about it, but try and think of the 80:20 rule. But sometimes it becomes more than 20%! Atm I am trying very hard to get back on track after having family over for 2 weeks and then Easter. I've…
  • @madwells1 don't beat yourself up about it, it's easily done. I'm the only low carber in my house, so I generally cook low carb and serve potatoes, rice etc. on the side. Can be hard. Friday was sunny and warm here so I had a Pimm's (summer punch) with sugar free lemonade, amazed how much the sweetener made me crave food!…
  • Another one with jeans that I have to wear belts with, on a tighter notch. My watchstrap needs tightening up too
  • @madwells1 most of my post seems to have disappeared! That sounds painful. I get plantar fasciitis, which I have to be careful of and last year had hamstring tendonitis which meant I couldn't do any kneeling yoga pose. I'm making up for it now, though.
  • @madwells1 dark chocolate is the food of the goods
  • @madwells1 Well done on the 5lbs. I think I am similar, as my weight can fluctuate loads. If I feel quite bloated, I tend not to weigh myself (I have scales that measure bodyfat/muscle etc.) as it tends to result in a weird reading. @wellnesschaser I used pork leg yesterday (uk cut) but we often buy whatever's on special…
  • @madwells1 that Vietnamese chicken sounds delicious! We've got friends over for dinner, so I have bbq pork in the slow cooker with a little maple syrup, balsamic vinegar, chinese 5 spice, garlic and chilli (the original recipe has loads of brown sugar and sherry vinegar, so I've massively cut down on the sugar) with…
  • @madwells1 I think I might have the occasional, small potato, but factor it into my daily carbs. I know cooled potatoes have resistant starch, so are good for your gut. I had a small new potato with my roast for Easter, and I would probably do the same for Christmas but it wouldn't be a regular thing for me.
  • How is everyone doing? I was quite hungry yesterday, so I had: Bulletproof coffee Mid morning coffee with a splash of cream Lunch: 2 97% gluten-free pork sausages, some leftover southwestern chicken and salad Snack: green tea, a little manchego cheese with black grapes Dinner: baked wild salmon with low carb teriyaki…
  • @curltess033 I eat more at home all day too, also if I'm tired, I have to really watch what I eat . If I'm out and about and busy, I tend to forget to eat. It's still the Easter holidays here, so the kids often want to eat more often than I would.
  • @madwells1 ☺ Thanks. I've made a whole pot of rhubarb and froze some and the venison sausages are from tesco's (I'm in the UK), we often have them as they are easy, taste great and are low carb. I put them on a baking tray in the oven with onions and tomatoes to roast. I've been going through my recipes on Pinterest for…
  • @madwells1
  • Everyone's food sounds delicious! @madwells1 I think you have to go with what works for you, if that's black coffee, then go for it. I've been doing the bulletproof coffee thing for ages, so it's just routine now. We're going to have chicken too, chicken thighs in the slow cooker with chinese 5 spice/bbq spices and loads…
  • So yesterday, I made a version of paleomg's bbq chicken casserole. I used left over beef taco meat, instead of rotisserie chicken with bbq sauce, mixed with eggs, shallots and sliced peppers (I skipped the spaghetti squash) and topped with a little grated parmesan, shallots and oregano. It's a mix it up and put it in the…
  • @madwells1 I also eat some grass-fed butter, hard/unpasteurised cheese and yoghurt. I found it works for me, and giving up dairy full stop was too hard, as long as I limit it it's ok.
  • @curltess033 I make tracking part of my morning routine, so I sit on the floor, drink my bulletproof coffee and check my Fitbit app and then myfitnesspal. Then I'll do some yoga and Headspace. By making things routine/habit I find it easier. I'm good at logging, and although I've made some fitness progress recently, I…
  • I've been doing primal-ish for about 5yrs, but recently have started allowing a bit more than 20% non-primal, what with Easter and a few events with meals included etc. I'm a healthy bmi, but have gained a few pounds and want to stop it now. In the past, I've definitely lost weight more effectively in a group, I've been…