

  • Welcome!!! This site is very helpful for me! My nutrionist hooked me up with it! Would love to be friends and keep each other motivated and give good support! Good luck to you! Sissy
  • I totally get you! I was one of those peolpe who thought that skinny was beautiful. Unfortunately I was one of those that got really sick. I've been struggling with anorexia. I was just released from a hospital for eating disoreders, they got me up to HEALTHY weight. I'm trying to deal with body image issues due to the…
  • There is absolutely nothing wrong with eating processed food. I am currently seeing a nutrionist and had the same question. She told me a calorie is a calorie no matter where you get it from. Many foods that we think are "healty" foods are processed, such as morningstar (vegetarian foods) meals. As long as you are taking…