

  • Hey there, I've been doing FP since around June 1st, faithfully -- and truthfully! -- and it's a slow process, but I've lost 5 lbs. and I know if I just keep on doing this I'll get to 10 and then to 20, which is my current goal. I have two great friends but would like to have a few more as I find the friend…
  • My MFP formula gave me 1320 calories per day for 1 lb. a week loss. So far, I've only lost 1/2 lb. a week. But, 1320 (plus calories out with exercise) has been really easy for me because before I started this program, I actually ate less (and didn't get anywhere) so maybe it's the magical number. I think if I stuck with…
  • How do you look at other people's food and exercise diaries? I think that could be helpful, especially comparing yourself to people in your age group and with similar goals. I'm still learning my way around this site. Thanks for help!
  • BRAVO! I love the photos. I'm going to do the same thing.....very inspiring!
  • Great idea for putting up photo of you at the weight you were BEFORE you got where you are now. Inspiration. I'm going to do the same thing! Anyway, I'm 5'2" and weigh 175 if you can imagine! And I really need to lose 50 lbs., but I will be happy if I can just drop 20 now. If I can do that, then I'll go for the next 20.
  • Hi, I am Gigi and I just started this yesterday. I don't have any friends that want to lose weight and use this site, so I'd like some support. Not sure how this works. Do I just use this message board to add personal comments, or do I "meet" a like-minded person and we email each other to give support, or? Any help much…