

  • sorry about that ^ wife was signed in and I didn't realize it. Anyway, thank you all for the advice, I will be adding a few things onto the grocery list this week!
  • We do eat good food. :) My wife has lost 12.5lbs since Jan so shes doing something right, and shes not a big person to begin with so its been harder for her to lose weight anyway, shes down to 133lbs.
  • I've logged for the last 3 days, feel free to check out my diary. I haven't added my foods for today yet.
  • Oh, and before I know I wasn't eating this many calories because I never ate breakfast or lunch except on the weekends...I know I know, it was horrible and bad for me, my wife told me this everyday lol
  • I do a lot of basketball and running and I lift weights when I can. My wife is a mfp'er so she knows what is good and works for our family, we do a lot of beans since we are vegetarian's. Yesterday my breakfast consisted of original special K cereal and organic milk, lunch I had natural PB and jelly on a flax wrap, apple,…