The only thing you can control in the situation is you. You cannot change her, or make her situation different. Some people in your life have limitations. Some people, who happen to be family, are not what they should be in your life. You can let the limitiaions upset you and control your feelings. Or you can accept that…
If i do get a lunch break, I usually have to scrub back in, which means no bathroom time. So I usually don't drink a lot during that time.
Yep. I was doing great, but now feeling so tired all the time. I also haven't lost any weight in over a week. Need to do something to get things moving again.
I love my job, but more staff would be MOST appreciated!
Yep! I work in surgery.
Thanks Shady. Really appreciate that.
I work in surgery as a scrub tech, so no food or drinks...
This is very scary to me. Get some help!