

  • I drive a 1995 Saturn SL. Comes with a 5 speed Manual and a 1.9L Engine. She is beat up badly and I love the car. Its Missing its Headliner, Driver Side mirror is Missing, The engine burns oil dad, One window has no glass and is a plastic window lol, Big huge scratch along the passenger side. However still love this car.…
  • I myself just started here a few days ago. I'm going to be honest I think this does work. My friend who suggested this site to me has lost wonderful amounts of weight and she is the best she has looked in ages. I did let MFP actually choose the calories for me and its helped me in the last few days. I have more energy…
  • Thank you. I appreciate the words of encouragement. Now I'm going to be honest. Exercising yesterday really kicked my butt. I tried running laps around the baseball diamond at the local park and 1 lap I about died (not really). I was so sore just from that lap I was like woha I'm really out of shape. So Walked randomly…
  • Seeing this was rather disturbing. It makes me really want to loose this weight of mine now.