

  • Hey! Currently doing it now, loving it! There is a group on bodybuilding.com if you have any questions or want to collab on exercises! Have fun, Jess http://jessnessrequired.blogspot.co.nz/
  • Check out bodybuilding.com for info on types of protein powders, they give pros/cons to best find out which one will work for you! Good Luck! Jess http://jessnessrequired.blogspot.co.nz/
  • Hey! I know how I get when I am hungry....*****Y to say the least! Try checking out Advocare's 11 day cleanse, its great! A few different pieces to it, you still are allowed to eat on it too which I know was important for me. (And everyone else around me...haha) You can check it out here:…