Hope2036 Member


  • I read that you did the Farrell's Extreme Body Shaping. All the programs look like calorie burners and body changers. Which one did you do? Good for you...take control now and you will succeed. Combining the calorie reduction and extreme exercise has made the difference in such a short time frame. Keep it up.
  • Hello db56 & Mrsc89xx Sorry, I have not been checking the community boards on a daily or even regular basis. Would like to communicate via friends and have sent you both an e-mail message. Please check for it. Hope to hear from you...Regards Hope
  • Rice Puffs (1cup = 50 calories) with Silk Unsweetened Original or vanilla almond milk (1 cup =30 calories and no sugar) I do add bananas at times and it does keep me full plus it is great as a snack later in evening
  • How wonderful Zichab! You are definitely a success story that shows hard work will be the results a person wants. You will have a great birthday - feeling great, looking great most of all being healthy and fit. - Congratulations
    in Over 60 Comment by Hope2036 October 2014
  • Hello Mary: Good for you on your loss, even if it is water weight, it is a start. As yet, I have not decided when to get on the scales. Not seeing the scales move has in the past discouraged me. I went for a walk with my dog this morning. The weather was fantastic. Gave me another 250 calories to work with. I start out…
    in Over 60 Comment by Hope2036 October 2014
  • Hello IWTBFCIN3 Please accept my apologies. You are correct, I did miss read and did not understand the point you were making. I see that I need to take more time reading and not skip over important words. Thanks for pointing this out...I definitely will read profiles and messages more than once before I comment.
    in Over 60 Comment by Hope2036 October 2014
  • Hello Zichab: Thank you for the tip on how do this. I was wondering and did go into my setting but was not sure on how to do this. Thanks Mary and I will try this. I see that you lost 99 lbs - WOW this is great...Were you losing an average of 2 lbs a week. - Congratulations...well done - Just goes to prove that weight loss…
    in Over 60 Comment by Hope2036 October 2014
  • Hello IWTBFCIN: I read with interest your profile information and that is wonderful that you quit smoking. I never smoked. As for alcohol - never did that either. Congratulations on your loss of almost 30 lbs - Did not notice how long it took but still a great accomplishment, My biggest issue is eating because I am…
    in Over 60 Comment by Hope2036 October 2014
  • Hello Mary: My name is Hope and I am from Southern Ontario. l am also so glad that you and I have connected and are starting this journey again on weight lose. It can be done because we did it before. For me as recent as a couple of years ago. We have to stay focused each and every minute of our day. Record our intake and…
    in Over 60 Comment by Hope2036 October 2014
  • Hello...How wonderful we both joined today. I am from Canada. I see that you are a retired teacher and 62. I am a retired accounting technician and am 63. I would love to get down 70 lbs since that is what the calculations show for my age and height but I will be pleased with 40-50 lbs. I did lose that when I was 60 or 61…
    in Over 60 Comment by Hope2036 October 2014