

  • I have to agree with many on here that say it really depends on the instructor. A great one will really motviate you and keep you going, change it up and challenge you. If you love to dance this is a great workout. I really think the key to any successful workout is finsing something you enjoy and doing that. If you don't…
  • So why do you say not to work out every day? Just interested by this. I work out usually 6-7 days a week but I try to vary what I do. Try to run 3-4 days a week then elliptical, walking, or Zumba on other days. I severely lack on the strength training
  • I am glad to see someone else has this as well. 2 weeks ago I lost 3.3 lbs, then this week, only 0.6. Very frustrating, as I do not eat back my exercise calories and worked out every day, was only over on my set calories one day (but always make sure to eat TO my calories), and for pure numbers in terms of calories…
  • I also like that it shows the nutrient content so you can make an informed choice, and honestly sometimes you are out for the day and it is a better option than many others. I alsways get my bread hollowed out as well, that way it makes room for more veggies as well as cuts down on the bread. Another place i like is…
  • I love these stories! Way to go everyone! I have had a few, considering I am 133 lbs lighter than I was at my heaviest. But, lately it has been purchasing clothes at a |regular| clothing store (Old Navy), and not buying shirts from the men#s section, not even buying the biggest size ladies size, but XL, and the sales girl…
  • I just bought a Polar FT4 and I LOVE it!! I am from Canada and paid under $100 for it through Amazon. I really wanted it to get an accurate calorie burn from my workouts. It is very comfortable and very easy to use - in fact I don't even notice i have the chest strap on!
  • Thanks everyone for all your input! So after reading all of your posts I went back yesterday and logged it all in - yikes! And it WAS good to see that it told me I would weigh almost 10 lbs more than I am right now if I ate like that every day for the next 5 weeks! I do have to say I disagree with the posts that talk about…
  • I would say my shoulders and especially my collarbone, since I never had one before lol!
  • So great! Can I ask a silly question though - what is NSV?? lol
  • OMG I eat out of measuring cups all of the time! And I have been thinking about taking my food scale with me when I go on holidays in a month...whatver works!
  • Good question as I have been doing really well but most days have been over my sodium intake!
  • I feel like I totally agree with you lol! :) :laugh:
  • Glad to hear I am not alone. For pure calories in/calories out I should have lost the pound I seemed to have gained but there it was still stuck to me this morning and it is my TOM any minute now so am thinkning that is it. Frustrating though for sure!
  • So great to see you on here! I need YOU for my strength training, need to hit that soon!! You will love this place, so many forums and topics and like-minded people. It is really helping me so far.
  • Representin' '77!!!
  • Yes! I just did a 5 km and had my fastest time ever but look like i am walking in the pics!
  • Hey I think that is great, as I alternate between a 4.3 and 4.5 on mine! But I do 45 minutes
  • That is great! I do 45 minutes running on my treadmill and alternate between a 4.3 and 4.5 so be proud!!
  • I am SO happy to hear someone else say this!! I run 4 times a week and I know I am a slower runner for sure, but I recently completed my first official 5 km (I run more than this normally), and in the official pics they took of me it looks like I am walking!! Groan....
  • First off, I hope it's not too weird to say you are gorgeous - love your hair!!! Secondly, I am not sure about whether I gain or not as I have not been tracking on here for a full month yet, but I know i am often quite hungry the week before.
  • I would agree with some of these posts for sure! I was shocked at how much sodium even fat free cottage cheese has!! And also my favorite brand of chicken breasts - one has 960 mg of sodium! Wow! Eye opener for me for sure.
  • I often have 1 1/2 scoops of protein powder mixed with 1 cup of almond milk and a little water for breakfast. I just shake it up in a bottle. It is fairly filling and i usually have a piece of fruit in the morning at some point for a snack. I also have 1 scoop mixed with water after my workouts.
  • All I can say is WOW..... I just joined MFP today and think it is great, but when I came across your group it was like an AHA moment. I have lost a total of 120 lbs over the last 8 years but have been struggling to lose anything for about a year now. I keep losing and gaining the same 5 lbs, and have been seriously…
  • My current goal is at least 30 so I would love to do this with you! I should mention that I have lost 120 lbs before this over the last 8 year journey so I struggle every day and need some people that know what I deal with! Good luck!