202.6 this morning! Yikes I don't usually make that public!
Wow thank alot you guys are making me very happy! I am not even close to those guesses!
Ummm I think i love you! Lol. Thanks for making my day!
OMG I LOVE you!! lol. just over 200 depending on my week....
220?? I am bad at this...
You know this sounds like me in so many ways!!! I too always seem to ruin a great day of watching and eating properly at night. I also obsess about food. It used to be that I obsessed when I was heavier about where I was going to eat and what I was going to have and how much I could eat. A trip to the city was terrible for…
I gained 10 lbs from a week in Mexico! I was shocked but then remembered what I had eaten and drank, and then realized some of that was water weight. All you can do is move forward. So drink tons of water to flush out your system, make good choices now and exercise. it will be gone before you know it!
Feeling HOT in my new tight running capris - not like my *kitten* and thighs look giant in them but today they looked "strong" in my mind lol....also running 10 km and not dying - just feeling like ti was a good run! Hmmm, one more - having someone tell me I better stop soon because I don't want to get too skinny - hello??…
So entertaining, makes me really wish i had a gym to go to! I guess this way though no one can see or hear me and all my weird things I am guessing I do!
Miracle noodles!! I was so excited at the idea of pasta with no calories but OMG...and I can usually power down anything even if I don't care for it but not these.
So very very proud of you! And I am SO glad to hear you say you are proud of yourself too! I think when we have weight/eating issues we focus too much on our mistakes and bad days instead of realizing how far we have come, how much we have accomplished and how amazing we can truly be!!
It's hard to lose a friend over something like that potentially but in all honesty she is obviously not ready for her own journey. Luck has nothing to do with it! It all comes down to hard work and better choices - somedays we do it and some days we don't, but the more good choices we make and the harder we work the…
This is wonderful! A true testament to the kind of man he was and the kind of woman your aunt was! Blessings to you and yours.
This!!!! Bleecchhhhh!!!
I run at 4.6 and 4.8 intervals on the treadmill. I am 5'7 and a slow runner, that's all! lol. Just keep moving!!
I am close to your weight as well, just a bit under, and I wear my HRM to Zumba class which I do twice a week. I regularly burn anywhere from 475-520 depending on the class (if there are new songs that we are learning i burn a little less as I am just getting to know the moves). I find I burn less when I do it at home.
bump for later!
I absolutely love Zumba, I attend twice a week (which is all that is offered in my small town) and in April it will end until the fall :( . It is my favorite workout and I would go every day if I could!
I agree that you don't eat enough in a day from seeing your diary. Your body NEEDS those calories. You can adjust, although I know it is hard to shift your mindset to eat MORE.
This would be me!! I am a slow runner but I have caught the bug. Farthest I have ever run is 8 km, my usual is between 6-7. Add me! :)
I did a cover-up of mine and my ex-hubby's initials that were on the side of my leg (never get names or initials BTW lol). I covered it with a beautiful colourful butterfly emerging from barren,rocky, dry ground. Very symbolic for me, that beauty and change and growth can come from even the most desolate places. I really…
I agree with the lady above me. You don't have to "give up" anything. I have lost 137 lbs this way but it is slow and steady - 8 years of my life I have been living this way, and that is the KEY - it is your life!! Don't give up things you love or ultimately you won't enjoy your life!
My hair, my collarbone area (never knew I had one when I was really heavy lol), my smile.
We want to go on a hot holiday together for the first time in March or April, so we agreed no big presents, just something inexpensive for in our stockings. Although, I have a feeling that he is going to go above what we agreed on because he likes to spoil me - and yes, I know I ama very lucky girl! ;)
Saskatchewan here! Add me :)
I tried it and didn't like it either. So I don't do it. you need to find something you enjoy, it will make it that much easier to stick with it. free weights at home and look up an online program or just some basic things to start.
I lost lots of weight from my boobs!! Lol. Not that they were big before, but I really wish they were fuller than they are now. And I would say the loose skin, lack of tone. Some of it I know i can work back, but some will never tighten. Small prices to pay for almost 140 lbs gone! :)
Buck naked, first thing in the morning, and preferrably after a BM lol! Sorry, TMI I know!
If it's a.m. before work, I try to cool down for a bit before shower (I agree that if I shower too quick I still sweat after), then protein shake and get ready for the day. If I am off, I take my time cooling down, log on here, check my computer, etc. Drink a lot of water, have some protein. AND stretch!