dianasalentine Member


  • Here's mine! Not sure how much I weight because I refuse to get a scale! :wink: This is over the course of a year and a half. Give or take a couple months. Before: Around 190ish pounds After:
  • ^^Agreed^^ I was a SAHM while my husband was deployed and it was hard. Now I'm still a stay at home mom because our income allows me to have that luxury. I do miss working and I've actually have gotten job offers but paying for daycare out of pocket would literally mean I was working just to keep my kids in daycare. My DH…
  • Started at close to 200 pounds after my second baby. I'm short (5'3) so my weight shows a lot. Now I'm down to I65 and would love to be around 140. I love coming on here and looking at all the success stories. Whenever I'm feeling unmotivated I come here to get motivated again! Good job everyone! Before: After: