

  • Hey Jax - just look for my friend request! Thanks!
  • There is definitely something magical about snapping open a can of cola. :love: It's the sweetness and the bubbles that quench my thirst right away, instant gratification. Whereas water can take a while to relieve that dry mouth feeling. The trick is to beat dehydration before that dry mouth sets in. I'm lucky to have a…
  • Hi Presariofaded- I'm in the same boat as you, except for me it's coffee. Every day I feel like I need that boost to get me awake and focused. It's been two days since I've been off it and I'm really getting headaches from the withdrawal. Today I took a tylenol to take the edge off. It takes about 2 weeks to form a habit,…
  • Aha! It must have been lyndastew, I see it's been posted already tonight! TY! TY! TY!