

  • Mine is our wedding song... I Cross My Heart by George Strait
  • I don't discriminate....LOL I like them both!
  • False TPBM is tan
  • Soda, definately. Before my GBS I could drink a 2 liter a day...coke, mountain dew, dr. pepper, etc... Now my pouch gets way too gassy and painful if I drink more than a few sips. Yes, when we're out at a restaurant or the movies, I will take a sip or two from hubby's soda, but it stops there.
  • Marrying my daughter's sperm donor @ 19. Don't know why I didn't stand up to my dad when he told me that I had to get married because I was pregnant. I was divorced by the time I was 24, and besides having a wonderful amazing daughter, it was the worst thing I have ever done!
  • Use to live out in Ashtabula County...Andover...went to the vo-ed in Jefferson for nursing.
  • Born and raised in the southwest 'burbs of Cleveland.
  • Ummm definately Journey!
  • I feel the same way most days. Sometimes I don't even want to get up in the morning to go to the gym before work because I think, "what's the use? I'm not losing anything".
  • The fact that my 16 yr old has made it this far into the teen years, and my twin boys will be 3 next month....and that I haven't ended up in an insane asylum yet because of the 3 of them!!!!!
  • My 16 yr old has no clue what good music is! LOL I always make her listen to my stations when we are in the car (i listen to a wide variety of music). One day, a New Kids on the Block song came on from the 1990s (back when I was a teenager), so I randomly asked her who it was...her response: "Journey???????" HOW IN THE…
  • A fellow twin mommy!!! My boys are going to be 3 next month and up until about 2 months ago, I felt like I couldn't find the time to workout and have "me" time. I work full time, have a busy teenager, and the twins...the last thing I wanted to do was exercise. Then a new gym franchise opened near my house, and it's open…
  • I was a big girl for the first 7 yrs of my nursing career. I was pushing 275 lbs at times. I worked on a Spinal Cord rehabilitation unit. I was "fat" but not "lazy" (like most people in society AUTOMATICALLY think FAT people are). I was strong (as I still am now!). I could lift a deadweight 250lb quadraplegic in and out of…
  • When I worked as a nurse on a rehab unit, I was always the one everyone (fellow nurses, docs, etc) came to when they couldn't remember something about a patient. I always knew pretty much everything...from the room they were in (whether they were there a month prior or 5 yrs prior) to specifics about their care and health…
  • Welcome! I'm a mom of 3, there's 13 yrs between my oldest and my twins. I completely agree about it being harder to bounce back in your 30s than in your 20s!
  • I want to be rich enough to not have to work (though I work as a nurse at the VA and would volunteer my time/services here because it's an amazing job), but poor enough to not be a snotty rich person who thinks the world owes them everything.
  • Go to Italy Wear a bikini AND actually look decent in it (probably will never get to do this one) Sleep with Channing Tatum (Don't think hubby will let this one happen)
  • I cut it in half length wise, scoop out the seeds, then lay it open side down in a baking dish with just enough water to cover the bottom of the dish. I bake mine on 350 for about 45 mins. When it cools, use a fork to string the inside of it out (I can get almost down to the's a lot of "spaghetti"). Mine comes…
  • Jason Aldean "Hicktown" Christina Aguileria "Candy Man" Buck Cherry "Crazy *****"
  • I can agree with some of this.... I was constantly tired ALL THE TIME. But I can blame myself for that one. After I had my twins, I basically stopped taking ALL my vitamin supplements. I was extremely anemic (not 100% related to RNY, but it had A LOT to do with it) and had to have many iron infusions to boost my levels.…
  • I had gastric bypass surgery a number of years ago. After having 2 kids (after the surgery), I put 30 lbs back on from my lowest weight, needless to say, I'm not happy. When I saw the weight management doc, he convinced me to work on lowering my carb intake (even the "good carbs). So I've increased my protein (I try to get…
  • We tell each other "I Love You" all the time...on the phone, in a text, driving in the car, eating dinner, etc....not because it's something to say, but because we actually DO.
  • My husband's idea of cooking (and feeding the kids) is Stouffers Mac & cheese in the microwave, frozen pizza, chicken nuggets, fries or tater tots in the oven, and hot dogs on the stove. To get him to actually measure and boil pasta and add sauce and frozen meatballs let alone actually following a recipe from a book or…
  • My husband is a huge Bon Jovi fan, so Livin' on a Prayer was definately played at our wedding.. And Journey is my 2nd favorite band (2nd to Chicago), and I liked Don't Stop Believing long before it became "cool" a couple yrs ago when it was on Glee!!!
  • I'm married with 3 kids (a 16 yr old and twin 3 yr olds). I work full time as a nurse M-F, 10 hr days (between work and drive time). My weekend are filled with laundry, cleaning, cooking/baking, and running around with the kids. I finally, after 3 yrs since the twins were born (and putting on the 30 lbs I lost after they…
  • I lived in Andover for a few yrs! Went to Nursing school @ the Vo-Ed in Jefferson! I was born and raised, and now currently live in the Cleveland area.
  • TOTALLY agree! My 16 yr old daughter teases me about it all the time! I crank it up in the car, and roll down all the windows!!
  • Even after losing over 100 lbs, I STILL saw the same person I was before...It's all a mental thing...hard to break.
  • My "motivator" isn't an ex, it's actually my brother's wife. She had a baby a few mths ago, and complains about needing to lose the "baby weight" (personally, she wasn't skinny before the baby, always "looked" pregnant, even when she wasn't), but she isn't doing anything TO lose weight...Yeah, she is following the weight…
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