Anney_Kaye Member


  • I'm a little disappointed there isn't more activity in this group. I'll post my update anyway since I won't have time to tomorrow. I've made up for the time i missed on my bad week and am continuing to do a little better with my exercise. Today I did a lot and I'm exhausted but feel so accomplished! I still have been…
  • This week is not working out so great for me. I'm frustrated with a money issue with my exercise class and haven't gone this week because of it. I've been so busy that I haven't been home to make my meals so I'm left to eat wherever I happen to be. I've still been trying to make good choices and keep portions under control…
  • I am doing very well keeping up with my goals. When I miss my morning hot yoga I find another way to make up for it later in the day. When I go over my calorie goal I just do more exercise to make up for it. I've been really testing my will power with not drinking, that is the hardest part for me but I'm still on the…
  • I want to add here that I also am going to challenge myself to not drink or smoke my cigars for this 60 day challenge. I am hung over today and did not go to my hot yoga class because of it, that makes me angry at myself. I realize this is also something that has to change for me to become the healthy person I want to be,
  • Hi :-) I'm Anney, a 30 year old mom of a 4yr old daughter and 10yr old son. I was in a car accident last Halloween and recently realized I had gained 40 lbs since then because of my neck injury and my love of comfort food. My ultimate goal is to lose 50 lbs. I realize that can't be done in 60 days but I plan to challenge…