

  • I am transitioning to a more raw diet. I won't say that I'm even going to be fully raw, ever, or even fully vegan. I'm early in the transition also. I'm sure things will change, but I'm taking things slooooowwwwwly right now. Last night I had a 100% raw dinner and today my meals have been 100% percent raw also. Last night…
  • Cooking with fresh spinach is easier than using canned or frozen. I can never get them drained well enough. Just use a really good nonstick skillet or pot, and put the spinach in on about medium heat and it will wilt down and I rarely have any "juice" to drain. I think it tastes better too.
  • How thick do you slice the eggplant? I have never heard of this but I love the idea! Can you post your whole prep/recipe?? My eggplant is always so mushy after I cook it. :(
  • I like ham, crushed pineapple, bbq sauce, and swiss cheese on sourdough!
  • You will get divorced many, many times if you divorce for the sake of boredom! Marriage really is like a roller coaster. There will be exciting times, boring times, happy times, not so happy times, really passionate times, and times where you don't even want to touch each other. I met my husband at 16, had a baby at 17…
  • I'm a tall gal surrounded by not so tall people and it gets on my every last nerve when 5'0 people say I'm fatter than them just because I weight like 20 pounds more than they do... Hello, I'm a foot taller than you are!!!! I feel like some people honestly think ALL women should weigh 90 pounds and if you're 90 pounds and…
  • I wouldn't knock someone who wants to be a size 2, but people who can't be a size 2 are often bombarded by messages that being a size 2 is perfect. Who honestly wouldn't want to be a size 2? It's the magic number for pretty much all celebrities, beyond that you are fat and need WW, etc. It's really not fair. I have seen…
  • Yes, the only real exception to this is lunch. I eat a low calorie lunch (usually Progresso soup), but let my kids have pretty much whatever they want. They usually want PB&J (we use spreadable fruit, or just thin slices of fruit-bananas, strawberries, etc) and a piece of fruit, maybe some Goldfish crackers. I'm never…
  • Start drinking more water and then gulp down a giant soda while dehydrated. I felt so sick... terrible headache and worst stomach cramps of my life, dizzy, just terrible. Now every time I even drink a little pop, I instantly feel sick. The hardest part for me now is getting soda at restaurants purely out of habit. I don't…
  • My 5 year old is also very active and really skinny. His last appointment, he was something like 150% for height and only 10% for weight. Super tall and lean. I don't worry about how much he eats, and yes he eats a lot. I figure if they are very lean and not wanting to pig out on junk food, then they are actually listening…
  • Nope I'm almost 6 foot and I would look anorexic in a size 9 even, so no, size 2 will never, ever be in my future. :)