

  • Getting up way earlier than usual (not a morning person and also get to work from home LOL) to head to the gym for an intense bootcamp class, return home to get my daughter to preschool, working from the kitchen island STANDING for 8 hours instead of sitting and eating smaller meals all day in preparation for a trip to the…
  • People often believe they should rest on days when they are sore but that is not true. I mean you need a day or two of rest per week in general but not just because you are "sore." The muscles need oxygen pumped to them, so minimal - do cardio. This helps with reducing the soreness. I promise on days after a hard workout,…
  • I skimmed this, so sorry if someone already replied with this. If you are in the mood for the real thing (as in sandwich) - I always ask for: Chick-Fil-A chicken sandwich, wheat bun, no butter on the bun, extra pickles, sub fruit (if I am getting a meal). This does make an already so-so option into a much better choice if…