

  • I too am interested in knowing how to get the last 10-15 pounds off. I've upped my workout routine to include 45 minutes of Jillian Michaels (The Biggest Loser trainer) and I've noticed that muscles I've not worked before are now getting my attention. Maybe it's a matter of changing your routine to include new/different…
  • Excellent questions for I've always wondered that myself. I do know that when I adhere to sensible eating with the recommended daily fiber intake, exercise a minimum of 30-40 mins/day six days a week, and drink plenty of water, within three days things begin to happen very regularly. There is always left over in our body…
  • OMG...another 2.8 pounds down. I've also noticed that my taste buds have changed. Last week my meal plan called for black coffee (no cream, no sweetner of any kind). Did not think I would make it, but I did. This morning I used creamer and sweetner, and my taste buds could taste each additional ingredient. :drinker: Here's…
  • :wink: Thanks ever so much for the encouragement. This website is (in one work) "fabulous" because of all the "fabulous" people working toward one common goal - GETTING OUR SEXY BACK! I've been on many weight lose websites, but this one is the best of all. You all are providing the type of motivation I'm needing to…