Isis1069 Member


  • Are you going over on sugar or carbs in general? If your carbs are high because you eat a lot of fruit and whole grains I wouldn't worry about it. Those sugars are good for you. It's the simple sugars in pasta, white breads, etc., that will cause issues.
    in protein Comment by Isis1069 August 2007
  • I wouldn't worry about it, personally. My husband and I went out and bought a brand new digital scale when we started this endeavour. We found that if you weigh yourself 15, 20, 30 times on this thing that you will get a different weight each and every time, even if you did it 15, 20, or 30 times in a row. It's ridiculous.…
    in Sick! Comment by Isis1069 August 2007
  • I would suggest that each time you start craving chocolate you get up and either go for a walk or get yourself a glass of cold water. The water will help you feel full and the walk will help take your mind off of it.
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