

  • I'm going to join! I'm going to set my goal for 30 miles this month!
  • Got a 30 min walk in today! I fell out of it last week. My car was flooded in TS Debby, and even though I have an insurance claim on it, not knowing has made me feel like I don't want to get out of bed. My birthday was on Wednesday and my mom was trying to take me out on a "shopping spree" and I didn't even buy a thing.…
  • I haven't done much today. Tropical Storm Debby was here visiting us most of the day. It seems to have calmed down for the night. Hoping that she decides to move her butt out of the gulf so we don't have a lot of flooding.
  • On the right track for water today, and getting ready to go for a jog once the kids are down for a nap! I find that being on summer break is making me so lazy. I have nothing to do but clean and take care of my kids so I end up just sitting around on the computer. I can't seem to get my motivation up to do anything!
  • I got my exercise in today! I forgot my water bottle at home, so I didn't meet that goal. Try again tomorrow!
  • My pedometer kept turning off today... which was extremely irritating. I'm planning jogging tomorrow, so I think that will count for my points then. I didn't do well with water today either lol. Tomorrow is a new day though!
  • Thanks for the challenges! I have a pedometer somewhere... I know I just saw it a day or two ago, but I bet I won't find it know that I need it lol!
  • This is what I'm doing for now, and next week I plan to restart 5k training. I did a 5k at the beginning of May, and then just kind of stopped lol. I don't have another 5k scheduled until December, but I really don't want to wait that long to start training again. Motivation is what kills me though.…
  • I'm back again for the week. I'm a teacher and this past week was the last week of school which was probably the worst week for me to start something lol. Plus, I had been doing Jillian Michael's 30 day shred, and out of nowhere I started having knee problems. I never had knee problems in my life. One week off of all…
  • Thank you for getting back to us so quickly. I think I was able to update myself on the spreadsheet. I do have a question about the owls and newts. Will those be added soon? I tried reading over all of the information but it was still a little confusing.
  • Hey, I'm Jennifer. I sorted myself through pottermore, and was sorted into Slytherin. I figured I might as well stick to that house lol. Anyway, I'm excited to start. I love the series and think that this is a really interesting idea!
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