I haven't done a lot of research on diet soda, but my experience, and with others around me that have been on the weight loss journey is that it made us bloat, and if we didn't drink it, there was a noticeable difference. I switched to drinking water with Crystal Light, and for my caffeine needs, I take Amino Acid…
Low fat protein and veggies! I stay away from salads because I just can't eat them without drenching them in dressing or toppings that are just not good. It's payday friday lunch today, and going to a local sit down place .. salmon and broccoli for me! Lots of lemon.
Strengthening the elbow is going to be your best bet. There are a number of exercises out there you can do, and various ways you complete them. There is also a product specifically made for this call the Thera-Band FlexBar, and if you use it with an exercise called the Tyler twist, it really works. My husband is a weight…