

  • All babes are wolves by :Spinnerette ANYTHING SPINNERETTE GETS YOU MOTIVATED!!!! PANTERA TOO!!
  • I jst recently got the New Balance at Target for about $70.00. Get the one with the strap to wear. It's a GREAT MOTIVATOR!!! Easy to use, and shows calories burned as you go which makes you push yourself harder. I did 2 classes back to back, and then trained with my trainer! Talk about inspiration! My only downfall was…
  • I think this is AWESOME!!!! Showing my age by using a word from the 80's, but that's ok. My name is Shanen, I'm 39 and live in Leander, Texas married for 13 years and have an 8 year old daughter......I have LOTS of snack ideas, so everyone is free to ask away. I've been working out with a personal trainer, and she says I…
  • you are doing great!!!! we love you
  • sorry I don't know much about flirty girl.. but Jillian will KICK YOUR BUTT!!! I do her dvd from time to time, and it's tough! My hubby hates her and the sound of her voice, so it's pretty funny.. I also have the biggest looser wii game, it has her and Bob as trainers, and that's pretty cool too, and a little easier to do.…