

  • Bump... but not so much a girl
  • I use diet drinks like the new Pepsi Max Kick for a caffeine boost before work outs which works well and helps me avoid other more damaging pre-workouts (like jack3d). If you are talking in terms of weight loss they aren't bad to kill sweet cravings and can help to fill you up after a small meal.
  • I used to be in the same boat, except it was in relation to the gym. I didn't want to join the gym and work out around other people until I had lost my initial weight. I started a body weight circuit in my back yard that consisted of push ups, sit ups, squats, running on the spot, star jumps and burpees. Did this for 4…
  • By sitting around dormant on a very low calorie diet you cause your resting metabolism to drop dramatically in an attempt to match the reduced calorie intake which will eventually lead to a plateau in weight loss no matter how hard you cut calories. Dieting moderately and exercising to burn the extra calories creates the…
  • Hi Everyone, Apparently I made an account for this about 2 years ago but never went anywhere with it... Well I'm back now and this time I'm going to stick with it! It's about time to make a change in the health department like I have the rest of my life. I have spent the last few years (after finishing high school) lazing…