

  • I think we could help each other stay motivated...add me :)
  • When I have a sweet tooth, a 90 calorie Fiber One bar is awesome to have or even just a bit of peanut butter or nutella does the trick. Sometimes even honey in my tea at night helps to curb my cravings. If I'm looking for something salty, then I go for a 100 calorie pack of something or baked tortilla chips with homemade…
  • Hi, being 5'1" 1200 calories seems to be working great for me. My first week was incredible but since then I've been averaging about 2.5-3 lbs per week weight loss. There are lots of tools out there that can suggest how many calories to intake to lose weight (including MFP) but your doctor probably knows best and can give…
  • So great to see such great progress! Keep it up!