Joanna4kids Member


  • I have been doing intermittent fasting. I have heard good medical reasons for it. Right now I've been on a daily 18/6. That is easy since I finish eating dinner at 7:00 and just don't eat again until 12:00 or 1:00 the next day. During this six hour time frame, I am trying to keep my carb count low. I have read about many…
  • Hi April, I've tried to message you but can't for some reason. I saw your message on here wanting to start over again and asking for accountability. I've got about 50 pounds to lose too. I'm 48 years old and have kids from 23 down to 9. I would love to have someone one here that holds me accountable. I'm starting over…
  • Ok, I'm here with you all. Are you all still on plan?
  • Very normal. I hear this from people all the time at the gym. Mine do it also. They don't do it on the treadmill or the stair stepper.
  • You look way younger now too. Congratulations. That's great motivation for the rest of us.