

  • You took the first step by being aware that you're eating out of boredom. The next thing to pause before you eat, particularly if it's not meal time. Ask yourself why am I eating? If the answer isn't "I'm hungry," then back away. Conscious eating takes practice before it becomes a habit, but you can get there. When boredom…
  • I've definitely set goals for myself along the way to losing 95 pounds and occasionally have rewards. Obviously clothes as I've needed them, but usually it's something just for me. Might be time--giving myself time, free from chores, to read or take a long bath. I've also gotten some jewelry-nothing super expensive- but…
  • Thanks for the support. I really appreciate it. I'm trying hard to focus on just the next goal, not look too far into the future and take this as it comes. There is a part of me that knows what a major accomplishment this is and hopefully that part will win out over the crazy part.
  • I'm new to MFP but I've been working on losing weight for a year and have lost 74 pounds. I was definitely an emotional eater. The thing that has worked for me is journaling or blogging, actually feeling the feelings, acknowledging them and moving on. It sounds simple but one of the reasons we eat is to avoid those…
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