Bump This sounds delicious!
Eggs are always a good choice! You can hard-boil a bunch on your day off, pre-cook them as frittatas (with veggies) and freeze them, make breakfast burritos and freeze... Or if you have enough time in the morning you can always scramble them, over-easy, etc. Protein shakes mixed with the milk of your choice are another…
Here's a breakfast option that uses zucchini, but they're sweet enough that the kids may still like them! Zucchini Waffles: I make up a huge batch and freeze them. You can also add things like walnuts or chocolate chips. :)
Spices/seasonings EVOO (I've never logged it, probably never will) Gum Any condiment under 10 calories a serving (think mustard, hot sauce, etc.) I never used to track my vitamins, but I started doing so more to make sure I take them than for the macros. Turns out the only one I take that has any calories is the fish oil.
Once a week for me. I do it every Sunday, first thing in the morning before eating/drinking anything and after going to the restroom. Jer does it whenever he feels like it. Never on the same day, and sometimes he goes several weeks between weigh-ins. Whatever works best for you! But I could never do the everyday weigh-in…
Bump Also, chimis are really good served with the 505 brand green chili! Heat it up and serve it on the side or on top (I like to put it on top of the chimis in the last few minutes of cooking).
I would suggest keeping the scale in the kitchen, in one spot. The moisture from showers can mess with a scale, and moving it around a lot can also throw off your readings. And don't only rely on the scale, make sure you're taking tape measurements too! The number on the scale might not move for a while, but you may still…
BUMP for later!
When I notice I'm not getting enough protein my go to choices are: Protein shakes mixed with soy or cow's milk (different kinds of protein from each source) Chicken breast Salmon Shrimp (low calories and high protein) Greek yogurt (The only brand I like is Yoplait... 10g in most flavors, 13g in the key lime)
BUMP for later! Some of these are just too awesome for words! And I love the cat ones! Keep 'em coming!
Mmm... Eggs... (Think Homer Simpson here. "Mmm... Beer...") I LOVE eggs, and I'm really not picky about how they're cooked! Scrambled, hard boiled, poached, fried, over easy... I eat so many, my boyfriend tells me I should buy stock in eggs. :) And the whole cholesterol thing... Some studies say eggs are bad, others say…
My favorites are: Gnc Pro Performance - 100% Whey Protein Powdered Drink Mix-Cookies & Cream OR Banana Cream Dymatize Nutrition - Elite Gourmet Dietary Supplement -- Chocolate Peanut Butter
I had this same sort of problem. I started a new job 4 weeks ago, but I was unemployed before, so my activity level increased a ton! I did the first week at my normal calorie intake, but I found that no matter how much water I drank or how close I came to my calorie goal, I was ALWAYS hungry. After the first week, I…
I've done a couple of recipes where you put the chicken in completely frozen, but it really does depend on the recipe.
Just a suggestion for any women who are interested in self-defense: Find somewhere that offers a RAD (Rape Agression Defense) course. It teaches women many different types of self-defense, not just in the case of Rape.
One of my favorites, tastes just like a loaded baked potato! This is also a pretty good one. In fact, I like a lot of the recipes from Six Sister's Stuff! Another:…
I use the Levora pill, and while I don't think it had anything to do with my weight gain- that was all me, not paying attention to what/how much I was eating and not being active- it has done nothing to hinder my weight loss!
The 3rd ingredient listed on there, Propylene glycol, is anti-freeze. And that's why I don't use it anymore.
This article may help:
I do once a week (on Sunday) and I try to do it first thing in the morning, so usually within an hour of waking up. I always do it before eating or drinking anything...
Bump--- I love oatmeal raisin cookies!
Thanks again ladies! I will certainly look into all of these, and hopefully I can incorporate most of the suggestions!
My main problem is that I get to about a 45 degree angle, sometimes less sometimes more, and my knees start to lock up. And it is extremely painful. But I can certainly give these a try. :)
Thank you!
Height: 5'4" Starting weight: 210 lbs. Current weight: 167 lbs. Goal Weight: 145 lbs. Age: 23 yo Daily Calories: 1540
You're probably not even getting real wasabi... It's probably just horseradish with green food coloring added. I learned that watching Modern Marvels. Unless you are eating at some 5 star restaurant, the place you're at probably can't afford- read, you would be paying a ****load more for that sushi/sashimi- to serve you…
This stuff makes me laugh! I buy the Kernel Sensations brand spray, and the serving size is a 1 second spray! Really?
Asparagus and plenty of fluids. :) Seriously, it works.
The most common excuses when I invite my friends to the gym are: 1) Don't have time today--- make time! A 1 hour workout is only 4% of your day! 2) No childcare--- in their defense, the gym I go to has pretty crappy daycare hours 3) Too much homework/housework/etc.--- see #1. Also, time management! 4) Too expensive---…
Kettlebell ladders and tire flipping. :)