

  • I finally met my goal of 50lb loss. I needed an exercises that didn't hurt my joints. I started swimming laps in the pool. If you have access to a pool it is the best easiest way to get slim all over. When I started I could only do 5 laps and lasted about 15 minutes in the pool. I set the goal for 60 minuted and 60 laps in…
  • I use a Low carb large tortilla (Burrito size) Walden Farms tomato and basil sause (0 calories 0 carbs 0 sugar) Pre-cooked Italian sausage (Grease squeezed out with a paper towel) Low fat mozzarella cheese oregano I nuke the tortilla to get it just warm. About 10 seconds smear just enough tomato sauce to cover tortilla add…
  • I've found 0 calorie peanut butter and chocolate peanut butter. No calories or carbs. Walden farms products is their name. My husband found their calorie free salad dressing at Walmart. I checked their website and found all kinds of 0 calorie foods. I called them and ordered a bunch of things. Most are really good. Some…
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