KLM2206 Member


  • I bought some recently (just for smoothies), and I have to say - I'm really disappointed. I find it to have a really rank aftertaste. At $11AUD for the jar, we'll finish the jar, but I'm going back to the real deal after that. Then again, I don't have a problem with only eating the recommended serving size, and I think…
  • I also stick with lower sugar varieties as I find varieties with higher sugar content leave me ravenous shortly after. So for me, in Australia, it's either Weetbix (and yes, it is Weetbix over here... not Weetabix... is that a UK thing?), or porridge made from rolled oats. In a previous life I did love me some NutriGrain,…
  • Second Aussie on the thread and seconding the Five:Am organic range - love the Vanilla Bean and the Mixed Berry :). Tamar Valley would be my second choice.
  • Agree with all the rolled oats comments. I used to buy the Uncle Toby's instant oats (90secs in microwave), but have since switched to Uncle Toby's traditional rolled oats - only takes an extra minute in the microwave and far less processed. I make mine on 2% milk and usually add berries and a drizzle of honey for…