

  • Mine lasts less time and I have less cramping, which is awesome. Bad side is I gain 5lbs regardless of what I do and 2 of them stick around even after no matter how much I exercise/watch what I eat.
  • My doctor told me she would be happy if I got down to 200lbs. I would rather be at 180 if at all possible (call me vain, but I want to see that initial '1'), but I have significant weight to lose, so I'd be happy to see a '2' at this point. I have a friend who is my exact height who is under 150, so I think it depends on…
  • Wait, you were giving your mom money so effectively paying for it and she cancelled it anyway because she "needed the money for other things?" I'm she now using the money you're giving her for other things?? That's not fair at all! Btw, don't give up. You've lost 69lbs, which is absolutely amazing :)
    in :'( Comment by ash1rose July 2012