

  • :happy: Thanks for your support - back on track and hoping for a better week.
  • The gym is the place - don't get hung up on other people in there. A good gym will provide instructors and a program suited to you and your requirements (weight loss). Focus on your goal of weight loss - get your i-pod on and you will think you are the only one there. By the way I do not believe that weights will help - do…
  • Thanks for you,re reply and encouragement, I am sure it will help me. Slipped last night and had a chinese meal (around 1200 cals) but will tr to get back on track from today. I suppose blaming the cruise is lame as I know there is some will power in my body somewhere. My next test will be visiting my daughter in Florida…
  • Thanks for your encouragement. Seems a very friendly site with lots of "diet"aids. You seem to have had real success so far - I hope I am as disaplined. Slipped yesterday with a Chinese meal - so need to et back on track. Thanks again. Good Luck