

  • Skyrim took my soul and spirited it away into some dark pit of existence. I've been playing it on and off and its been hard for me to start on anything else.
  • Oh, wow! I love /all/ of these recipes. Thanks a bunch for posting this. (Bookmarked!)
  • I didn't tell my boyfriend about trying to loose weight because, he usually replies that he doesn't think I need to loose weight. He's wonderful and lovely and I think he likes my pudge. He is a huge traitor and he must be kept far from my weight loss plans and that take away menu or he will ruin all my hard work. Don't…
  • Actually, you can even make your own armband out of an old tube sock. It's kind of nifty. ♥
  • So, when left to my own devices, I am kind of the black hole where delicious food goes to die. Also, I have terrible eating habits, when it comes to food that is not good for me. About two weeks ago, my boyfriend and I ordered a large chicken supreme pizza from pizza hut, eight BBQ wings, and a small pasta. I ate all of…
  • I kind of feel the same. But, I find its not just weight, but a lot of other superficial stuff too. Like, "Oh! I need to take a new picture of myself. But, I don't want to take it until my hair looks better." In the case of weight, it's often, "Oh! I really want to wear this dress / shirt, but it's still a little snug!"…