KailaWalker Member


  • Hi!! I'm so excited to find this. I've been on and off MFP since I first created my acct. Monday I start Focus T25 and am making it a goal to long into MFP everyday. I think this will be just the motivation I need. I do my workouts at 4am. I Can't wait to jump in this group. Great idea Charlie!!
  • Me!!! I have already lost 50lbs :) I'm half way there :) Feel free to add me! I also have a Facebook accountability/support page that is secret so only the people in the group can see and answer post. Feel free to add me there to I'm under Kaila Nikole Walker. I'm always up for more friends that have similar goals/and…
  • Not at all!!! The fact that you're are trying and giving your best at the pace your at is what's going to have you rockin in the future. Don't focus on how fast or slow you go focus on where you are now and give it your best. You will eventually get faster. The key is to not give up :))
  • Great to see so many positive people on a Monday, add me!!!! :)