

  • I have been a vegetarian now for 3 years because of health issues. I feel so much better. Don't do it to lose weight, definitely do it for a lifestyle change. I agree with one of the previous comments, that carbs can become dangerous to a vegetarian if you don't know what you are doing. You start to think, ok I am not…
  • I like to have Ezekial bread with cashew butter and and 2 hard boiled egg whites. Seems to keep me satified through alot of the morning. Also make sure that I drink plenty of water in the morning.
  • My husband did the HcG diet and he did lose an abundant amount of weight quickly. The difficulty he had was after he completed it, he did not learn how to eat better. He ended up going back to his old lifestyle of overeating and then gained the weight back and then some. I agree though that if you have alot of weight to…
  • Thanks for sharing! What a great fall treat!
  • I am new to this and need some motivation. Sure, I will do it too!