

  • I need a little help understanding how: ' we're telling you that ANY SCALE has a MARGIN OF ERROR which is minimal but exists because technology isn't perfect.' Answers my questions that were: 'thats a difference of 1.1kg, right? So what does that mean? Do my scales tell me im heavier than i actually am, or lighter?'
  • For people that struggled to read the question... 'thats a difference of 1.1kg, right? So what does that mean? Do my scales tell me im heavier than i actually am, or lighter?' That question was based on the figures provided. And they dont matter now bc the sugars weighing in at 1kg now. Just pointing out that most of you…
  • Best reply yet bc you actually managed to read my question, thank you. I weighed the sugar on kitchen scales and its 1.025kg, and now my scales are weighing it at 1kg so i think they must be pretty accurate. How do i know if theyre spring type scales?
  • I didnt ask whether my scales are accurate!! READ THE QUESTION... I know what BMI is -.- I Know it doesnt take into account whats fat and whats muscle. But still, it tells me whether im classed as underweight, normal or whatever. why are you all so rude??? i asked 1 simple question and you all start answering a different…
  • I dont use BMI charts, I use bmi calculators and they all use the same formula...
  • did anyone actually read my question??? i want to know whether the sugar weighing 1.1kg could mean that the scales are telling me i weigh more than i actually do, or less. If it weighed the sugar at more does that mean its weighing my weight at more? anyway whatever, apparently it doesnt matter. -.- PS even if my weight is…
  • you speak a little sense, but it is important bc if my scales are inaccurate then my calculated BMI is inaccurate. If the scales weighed the sugar at 1.1kg, does that mean the weight it gives me would be higher than it actually is?
  • Im not sure that any of you understand. Scales can be inaccurate and i want to know whether mine are! I weighed myself at a friends yesterday bc she wanted to know if her scales were wrong, and i weighed very different... so obviously now im not sure if my scales are right. Can someone please answer my original question...
  • i read somewhere else that 0.1kg wont seem like much but its going to increase as the weight increases, making the inaccuracy larger. Anyway, if youre saying it doesnt matter, does that mean my scales are accurate?
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