i too would appreciate snack ideas, just getting started an have a 1400 cal limit
It is true you should take it easy for 2 weeks, i just went to the store afterward and passed out, that was scary. anyways, jello, pudding, chicken broth, mac n cheese, applesauce, yogurt, etc
the thing is, if i eat what i want, i wouldnt be eating much at all because the foods i like are high in calories, so i do a give and take-one meal is usually what i want, the rest is balanced more healthy stuff-that i can eat more of.
1. you need to talk to your wife about it. 2. you do NOT have to eat it. 3. go to the damn store for the oil, JUST to be helpful :)
I think Zarebeth is on to something, Im gonna move dinner from 6 to 7pm, hopefully that helps. Or if you MUST have a night snack try to eat it earlier/less of it.
I love love love this thank you for posting, definately hit me emotionally. Im on day 2. I am fat girl.