speakyword Member


  • So amazing and thanks for sharing your perspective. <3
  • Yep. Loooots of stretching. A good deep stretch immediately after and more stretching on rest days and whenever you feel tense. I use tiger balm if I've got a particularly tight muscle. The heat/cold really helps to release the tension. If it's really bugging you take an ibuprophen before bed to reduce inflammation and…
  • Thanks for getting back to me guys. That's how I expected it to go but for some reason it doesn't stay neat and tidy like that for me. Depends on my energy level I guess. My work schedule has been crazy lately and I've been having some trouble with insomnia. So some days I'm way stronger and other days my heart is in it…
  • Aww... those kinds of comments make it hard when you're feeling doubtful. Yeah, I think shedding the fat will make a big difference.
  • I'm hoping this is the right place to post this. If not, please let me know. Just a question about selecting weights in stage one. Maybe it's just because I'm a little new but I'm having a hard time estimating what I'll be able to lift in a set. I do keep the log but when it jumps up or down in reps or goes from 2-3 sets I…
    in Stage 1 Comment by speakyword July 2013
  • That is F*$%&ing awesome!!