TarynLgh Member


  • Hi Everyone! I'm live in Pinckney right now but we're building our house in Howell. Hopefully we'll be moved in within the year. I have 4 kids and I work from home. Feel free to add me as an MFP friend and we can keep each other motivated. I joined MFP about 2 months ago. My first 4 weeks were great and I lost 13 lbs. I've…
  • I don't get into the fads, keytones and such. With 4 kids, I don't have time to chase that stuff down. If I can't find it quick at Kroger - forget it. My doc has me on B-Complex, D and calcium as a way to get post partum depression under control before it turned into something that actually need a rx. I just never stopped…
  • Well, I'll go against most in here but I like him. I don't take to heart every little thing he says. But, for me, I hear of things I normally wouldn't that might help me. He's not MY doctor so I don't start anything without a ton of research anyway to find out if it's for me. And actually, my doctor has me on some of the…
  • Perfect!! Because today I will be on the Zumba (wii). I've worked my way up to about 30 minutes but I think I am going to try for an extra song or two this time.
  • Well, so far so good!! I didn't read this until 3:50 p.m. and that's all I've had since I've cut out pop (my worst enemy) 5 weeks ago. But that calculator said I should have 3.6 liters. THAT will be a tough one.
  • I'm Taryn! I'm ready to lose at least 4% (6.5 lbs) in the month of July. June was a great month for me (1st month on MFP) so, I'm on a roll! My weekly goal is to exercise 4 times a week too. Good Luck Everyone!!
  • Besides the full-time Mom job I... 1. Own a company that does personalized gifts so I do all advertising, orders, customer service, shipping, etc. 2. My husband owns an electrical contractor shop and I do all of the accounting, taxes, etc for the business. 3. I'm taking courses (and a few clients) for photography so that I…
  • Congratulations!! You look great!
  • Hello! I'm Taryn. I have 4 kids ages 6, 3, 3 (twins) and 1. I've been married for almost 9 years. My husband works out of town a lot so that leaves me with the kids by myself almost all of the time to handle everything with school, activities and normal stuff like meals and cleaning. My husband owns a company that I do the…