It took a long time for me to really truly understand that phrase "lifestyle change." People think they comprehend it, but they don't. I had a moment (after losing and gaining the same 20-30 pounds a couple times) when I realized that it wasn't about picking a date to start and "being on plan." I started making changes…
This may sound crazy, but I've found that Quest bars have really helped me scale back the binge eating. Each bar has like 18 grams of fiber so they can be very filling. I find that if I woof one down, I get that uncomfortable full feeling. I chase the bar with a big cup of water. It sounds bad to purposely cause that…
I absolutely love this guide. I am on week 10 and have had great results! I didn't follow it to the letter, having taken more rest days than she lists. I also only tend subsititute the cardio routines (LISS and HIIT) for a jog once or twice a week. It is very challenging, and don't be afraid to modify! Just make sure you…
I absolutely love Kayla's plans. I am on week 10 and have seen amazing results! Truth be told I don't even follow the cardio plan she includes; I just really push myself hard during the circuits and go for occasional runs as I can. I have lost weight, but the plan really shapes your body. My clothes fit better and I can…
I have only tried the pancake syrup and I can't really say anything bad about it. Real maple syrup is SUCH a calorie trap with no real nutritional beneftis and while WF doesn't taste exactly like the real stuff it is an OK alternative. I wouldn't recommend using it everyday on things due to the highly processed nature of…