Jennyb1213 Member


  • My goal this week is to track what I'm eating. I'm really good at quitting once I've eaten something that's not so good. I also what to do some form of exercise every day. Either going for a walk, a workout video, just something to get me moving.
  • Finished Day 2 Lvl 1 tonight. I am sore from yesterday and it was a little harder today. I am not even using weights as mine are packed away from a move and I'm too cheap to go buy more. But, I am still sore and find it difficult without weights!
  • Started Lv1 Day1 today. I am hoping this group will give me the motivation and support I need to complete the whole 30 days. I am a lazy person! I will have to take a before pic and then after pic. Or, maybe I'll take a pic after every level to see if there is a progressive difference. I need all the motivation I can get!
  • I just restarted it. I only did 3 days of it at the beginning of December. I would love to be part of the group and have some new "friends" too. I am semi new to MFP and need motivation.