

  • If your legs are the only part of your body in pain, I would suggest taking a day off, maybe just lightly stretch them. Work your upper body on that rest day, weight lifting is always a great way to continue to get in better shape while you take a day off from cardio. And when your legs feel better you can get back to your…
  • How many different types of exercise have you tried? If running or biking is boring to you, you could try playing low impact sports. Even casual racquet ball doesn't require a great amount of effort if you arent playing competively. Swimming is usually fun and helps a lot due to the activity being in the water and forcing…
  • I would say around the chest is the most accurate ones because they are the closest too the heart. As for cost, if you are on a budget you have a free one built into your body if you have a clock around =) Unless you have a heart condition and need to closely monitor your heart rate, I would be more concerned about just…
  • I would love to be 30 lbs lighter especially before janurary and the Tough Guy Competition. I'm in. At 210 now.