

  • I love hearing everyone's stories and experience! I added the extra 500 calories in and like lots of you mentioned I'm going to see how it goes for a bit. I've really increased my veggie and fruit intake over the paste week. My little one is currently going through a growth spurt and surprisingly I'm keeping up well with…
  • Thanks for sharing! That's a good point to re evaluate once baby is a little older. Perhaps when he starts solids.
  • Tonyajohn- What caused you to gain the weight? I'm nervous to consume the 500 extra calories because I'm afraid ill gain weight from it. Also, how do you add them to you food diary? I've got so much to learn about MFP!
  • I'm glad you mentioned adding breastfeeding as an exercise! I had my activity level set to the highest to add the extra calories for nursing haha. Congrats on your upcoming wedding! The hubby and I have our 1st wedding anniversary coming up this Monday.