Yes I do stay below 50grams of carbs and definitely test positive for ketones (urine only) but have verrrryyy slow weight loss results. Crazy how we're all the same yet so very different!
Oh man! I *hate* that! It's such a difficult balance. Most people don't get it. Good for you for getting back to exercising! I have a love/hate relationship with it. And I always forget the impact of my exercise on my numbers even several hours post exercise. Just gotta keep on keepin on though right?!
I hear that!!!
I have T1D as well (27 years). I find that cardio doesn't really impact my blood sugars at all unless I have some insulin on board. I use a CGM so I can track it pretty reliably. I think prior to going LC it was an issue going low because of the difficulty matching up insulin peaks with blood sugar spikes. Once I went LC…
Exercise & LCHF eating seems to be the only things I've found that help those fasting numbers. And it takes continuous effort in order to see minor results. Very frustrating I know. Especially with a busy lifestyle. Hang in there!
Have you researched Dawn Phenomenon? This could be the simple explanation of why your FBG is higher. As a type 1 Diabetic for 27years I can alway see this influx of hormones in the early morning hours in my CGM numbers. :/