NFL football: No way on Patriots (Colts). - I would be worried about hidden cameras and she might want me to wear UGGS MLB CUB fans: NO WAY - I worry about them and reality (Go STL CARDS) NCAA basketball - NO UK please (probably would be cheaters and I wouldn't be able to catch them) - (Louisville)
I only told a select few until surgery was scheduled. I told all my co-workers the week of surgery because I didn't want people guessing or spreading rumors why I was out for 4 weeks. You will get stories (good & bad), but remember this surgery is different for everyone. I have found most people know very little about the…
swimming is great and I just started bike riding.
Great Topic. I will try to post mine tonight
CONGRATS, thanks for sharing. I am 8 weeks post RNY, 62 pounds down and feel great!
I eat 3 meals a day plus 2-3 protein drinks. I consume 600-800 calories total per day. I had RNY surgery 4/19/2012
RNY 4/29/2012 Starting wieght 358 Current weight 301 10 pounds lost before surgery 47 pounds gone in 6 weeks after surgery 57 TOTAL POUNDS LOST Diabetes gone right after surgey (off all meds) High Triglycerides- Gone High Blood pressure- very close to being gone Knee pain -getting better everyday Feeling Great!! Not hungry