nxg777 Member


  • Plain Greek yogurt has a great amount of protein so I try to use it as much as possible. Greek "ranch" Take a spoonful of Greek yogurt(plain) and add some ranch powder. (Not sure what it's called but it's by hidden valley.) Greek yogurt to ranch powder ratio depends on the person & if it's too thick you can add a little…
  • I love pizza and try to find ways to make a healthier calorie friendly version of it. The one I've been making recently is with flat out wraps. It's only 100 calories for a good size wrap. You'll need 1 flat out wrap 1 serving of tomato/pizza sauce of your choice 1-2 servings of 2% Mexican blend shredded cheese (depending…
  • Oatmeal banana cookies that taste like banana nut muffins. 1 banana 1 cup of old fashion oats 1 oz of walnuts 15g of dark chocolate chips First you mash the banana. Add in the raw oats, walnuts & dark chocolate chips. You may add cinnamon or liquid stevia. Place on a baking sheet in little balls & bake on the oven at 400c…
  • Hello I'm noemi. I'm 22 years old I work full time & will start school soon Highest weight was 252 but I started at 247 over a year ago. My current weight is 200 & I plan to lose another 60 pounds. My current goal is getting to 190(the weight I was before I lost motivation) I gained over 15 pounds but thankfully I began…
  • Awesome group. Nobody has the same gym as I do so I kinda get bummed out that I don't have a workout partner. I was off my exercise and diet for a few months & finding my motivation was rough. But I have finally found it 21 days counting calories & 3 days straight at the gym. My current goal is to lose the 15 lbs I gained…
    in Introduction Comment by nxg777 May 2014