K3llyLanier Member


  • I'm in. I had decided to do it again which is why I found this thread. I stopped last time around day 22 and never caught up but the results were already being noticed by the hubby though so I'm excited to restart. :)
  • I use just a little honey and sometimes cinnamon. No sugar at all.
  • Great plan! I haven't been great about keeping up with it in the forum but I do them whenever and wherever I can! Sometimes it's while cooking, while working at my desk, before a meeting, after a meeting, etc. The kids think it's hilarious to include them! My 15 year old just looks at me like I'm an alien, like she does…
  • Done! I started breaking my up in 50's so that by day 30 I'd have that down. I had missed a day here and there and adjusted my rest days to catch up. I have found that breaking up the sets with style variety makes them somehow seem to go by faster... Love the jump squat. I work out at my desk and just shrug when people see…
  • Day 6 - 75 squats - complete. I was really sore yesterday but I had done a buns and thighs workout as well and I walk the stairwell 10 times twice a day, 3rd week. Today I could actually jog the stairwell! So proud for myself! Just when it starts getting hard I count by in sets by 5's instead of thinking of the larger…
  • Day 5 - done. 70 squats This week I did buns and thighs yesterday and P90x ab ripper x Monday and today (Wednesday). Lower body is feeling it! Gotta add on the upper body now.
  • love the office-wide fondue party idea.... I'd have to eat at least a little of it! You break it up and share that for a while!
  • Ok, I'm going to try it. I haven't done a challenge in a while but after having my 3rd and final child I NEED a challenge to get things back where they belong. I am not sure how I'm going to fit 250 squats into my day though! Any suggestions?
  • Feel free to add me. I don't keep up with weight though. I just judge by the way my clothes fit. I love this app, I've learned a lot about which foods are higher in calories and what counts as exercise. For my fellow mom's out there, carrying a baby counts as exercise!