

  • Diet sodas are BAD for you. You should stay of away from chemicals in general. I would suggest cold turkey. Your body is going to go through the sugar and/or caffeine withdrawals regardless of how you do it. But the quicker you can get it out of your system the easier you'll be able to get over the craving. Good luck. It's…
  • I took the test to see if I could even do the P90x system (I passed--yeah). There are two avenues to the program. One to bulk up and the other to stay/get lean. So pick the one you want. I have all the stuff now and am actually starting my first work out tonight. My ultimate goal is to do a Tough Mudder in June 13 so need…
  • Hi, I just started today. I need help and motivation too. I am 65 lbs fluffy ( I like that term vs i have to lose...). I have a problem sticking with programs and staying motivated. Totally need someone to help me 1. figure all the ins and outs of this awesome app and 2. keep me motivated to keep going.
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