

  • Here's a good tip...especially if you're like me and beat yourself up for not working out... Mix it up. Every little bit counts! Missed your daily workout? Don’t worry, you can still fit something in. Watch one of your favorite TV shows and do strength training moves during the commercial breaks: lunges, squats,…
  • Welcome...I've only been on here a little over a week, but have met a few people and they've really encouraged me. Set small goals, make small changes. Take it one step and bite at a time. Good luck! Kathy
  • Ditto to what Rubybelle said and deb! I just started a little over a week ago and even though it's not much, I've lost 1lb...but it's a start. You have friends here that will encourage you and be there for you too. Just start out with small changes and add from there. Good luck and looking forward to going through this…
  • Hello, my name is Kathy, I'm 49 years old. I started putting on weight about 5 years after my son was born. I was walking everyday, but i'd eat whatever and before I knew it....WOW! I have the same goal as WAA1119 to get lean and healthy and stay that way. I know it's going to be harder at my age, but I'm hoping with…
    in Goals Comment by vegaslady94 June 2012
  • I just joined as well and I'm really hoping that I can continue this effort to lose weight and track my eating habits and my workouts.
  • That looks really good and I happen to have some left over roasted chicken...will definitely try this. Thanks for sharing.