goddessru Member


  • I'm with this one. It's a lie that men like waffles more than women. I want waffles all the time. Call me a carb-fiend.
  • You've already got a lot of nice replies (and potentially some dates), but another one won't hurt: Nicely done! What did you do 4-5 times a week besides walking your dog? Because that's some serious definition there was some lifting involved....
  • Justine- I def understand your hesitation about starting. But at some point you have to just start! I was also thinking about it for 2 weeks before I made the plunge. The thing is, if you think about where you'll be in 3 months, it really encourages you. Can you imagine Mid-APRIL being 15-20lbs thinner and/or more toned?…
  • Hi ladies, I'd love to join your support group! I started P90x 4 days ago, and am loving it! I am sore but feel great about it, am psyched to see results and feel excited about every days workouts. It's nice to also follow along with other women doing P90x. Think: If we start now, where we'll be by Spring! That prospect is…
  • Shorts underneath like everyone else suggested works well, but sometimes it's too hot to wear shorts so body glide works wonders. No need for re-application and lasts forever! http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0031Y4TRW/ref=oh_o06_s01_i00_details
  • I too have PCOS, and it's so absolutely difficult to lose weight. I've done weight watchers before (i was diagnosed) and lost 30lbs. I was diagnosed a few years later, and the weight just keeps building. I'm currently working out 4+ times a week for 1 hour each. Trying to control my eating too. Need to do something. Would…
  • This is exactly what I needed. Monday- 50m Walking