

  • I'm still in it! Today was Day 1 of Level 2 for me. I haven't taken any breaks and don't intend to. Level 2 kicked my butt - I'm looking forward to improving!
  • Okay, similar to what I'm doing! :) I was using 2lbs. because I'm pretty weak in the upper body but I realized some of the moves (like the row) didn't feel like I was doing anything. So I've switched it up and am using 5lbs for some and 2lbs for other.
  • I just did Day 1 today! I gotta say, it was easier in some ways than I thought it would be but more difficult in others. The cardio segments are hardest for me but I have a lot of "baby weight" to lose. I KNOW I'm going to need motivation!
  • Great, thank you!
  • Don't pay attention to the pounds! You're going to be building muscle with P90X, not just losing pounds of fat. I'm in the second week of the lean program and I'm starting to lose inches like crazy! Stick with it - it's totally worth it!